Sunday, May 21, 2006


As many of you know, I have endeavored to write my very first screenplay; a sequel to a movie released in the early 90's. I've already scouted out the original writer/director and producer and feel confident that they'll be interested in buying my screenplay. So all I have to do now is write it.           But, in the meanwhile, I've found a nifty way of looking productive while indulging in a form of procrastination and you're reading it: blogging!!! Seriously, my intentions here are to record my ups and downs, frustrations and celebrations throughout the whole process. What I'm asking of you is your moral support. How do you do that? By subscribing to my blog and sending me comments when you so feel inspired.
Anyway, I'm new to this blogging thing but if you have any questions, just email me and I'll get back to you with an answer ASAP. Join with me on this journey to see my name on the BIG SCREEN and you'll all be invited to the premier.  If you have any other writer friends out there whom you think would be interested in reading my blog, just forward my website address to them and encourage them to subscribe. I can use all the moral support I can get.           

Mark McDonald commented:

Great site, Shawn! I am looking forward to updates on the progress of your screenplay! That is something I've always wanted to try my hand at. My dream would be to faithfully adapt a Preston-Child novel for the silver screen (unlike what was done with 'Relic'). But, for now, I suppose I'll stick to short fiction. Good luck!

Jenn commented:

 Best of luck to you! I hope this blog isn't read by someone that will steal your idea. I can be so negative, and that's the first thought I had. So maybe talk to the folks you hope to sell it to and get some sort of contract/patent? You and your writer friends know more about these things than I do, but I want to be sure you protect yourself. Anyway, I send you best wishes and inspiration and good thoughts and energy and all that stuff. Write away, girl! Jenn

 Cheyenne commented:

Thanks Jenn. Knowing how avid a reader and movie go-er you are, I'm anxious for you to read the screenplay when I'm finished. Your opinion means a great deal to me. Cheyenne
 Cheyenne commented:

Thanks Mark. There's no time like the present to get your project underway. I highly recommend the book: "Writing Screenplays That Sell:  The Complete, Step-by-Step Guide for Writing and Selling to the Movies and TV, From Story Concept to Development Deal" by Michael Hauge. A friend loaned it to me and now I'm searching bookstores so I can have my own copy. Let me know if you find it. I've been writing fiction for so long now that it's taking a lot of effort to do this screenplay. The format is so different. I'm used to getting into the characters heads and you can't do that in a screenplay. It's definitely a lesson in 'show, don't tell.' All writers should dabble with a screenplay just for the experience. Shawn

 Markcmt commented:

Hey Cheyenne,
Great site! Consider that "writer's block" is nothing more than your mind needing down time to recharge itself and review all the angles and subplots that you're writing about. And that nothing is GOOD or BAD, it just IS (postponing your flight out West, etc.) Just a thought! 

 Cheyenne commented:

Thanks Mark, I know there's a purpose behind writer's block but it can get frustrating anyway. Thanks for the support! ;) 

Stonesinger commented:
To be or not to be?

 funnyshirt commented:

Write more often

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